Saturday, August 15, 2009


Well 203 to be exact. This is my 200th post on my blog so I thought I would make it interesting.

Why 203? Well in the past two weeks I have ran 203 miles. 101 last week and 102 this week.

Week 5 for the NYC Marathon training is in the books and I ran 102 miles just about a little over 12 hours. Did some two a days this week and ran 20 today. Had a good run at VF with avg pace of around 6:56. Training is going well. We will see what this week has in store but I do not think I will be push the century mark again. Happy training.

Keep cool and wear your sunscreen.

Miles Time

102.12 12:05:49

% change
Week 1 80.03
Week 2 83.55 4%
Week 3 78.68 -6%
Week 4 101.27 22%
Week 5 102.12 1%

Total 445.65

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